Use (online booking)

We saw in the previous section how to configure our online booking.

Now we will show you how to use online booking.

Each clinic have different color, here an example

At the top right, you have the option of choosing the French (FR) or English (EN) language.

  1. We will choose our service point Medexa (Longueuil), seen in the previous section (Settings online booking)
  2. Then click on Book now.
  3. A new window will open
    1. Here we will see on the left our current selection
    2. We will have two options
      1. New patient: if the patient does not exist, he will choose this option
      2. Existing patient: if the patient exists, he will just have to click on this button
  4. For our example we will choose Existing Patient

  1. A new window will be visible
  2. We will select see all services

  1. A new window will appear
  2. We will select DUPONT Camille
  3. Then choose Kinésithérapie

10. Here we will see all the available times that we previously configured in (settings online booking).

11. We choose one of the time slots

  1. A new track will appear
  2. We fill in with the client email address or the phone number

  1. If the person exists, it will propose it to us on the screen

  1. We choose the person found
  2. Now just fill in the purpose of consultation and click on Complete my booking.

  1. If the booking goes well, we will see a confirmation message displayed
  2. If you want to make a new booking, just click on the right button

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