Access rights

Access rights must be configured per employee and for each section of the platform.

This allows clinics to give or withdraw certain accesses in a granular and intentional way to prevent certain employees from having access to information relating to management, for example, or simply to reduce any source of error by activating only the sections that will be used by the employee. 

How to configure access rights

To configure an employee's access rights, follow these steps:

  1. Click on My clinic
  2. Go to User management tab
  3. Click on Access rights
  4. Check the access rights to activate
  5. Uncheck the access rights to withdraw
  6. Click on Save changes

Left Menu

  • My Calendar: Employee's personal calendar
  • Clients: Access to the patient list of the selected point of service 

Note: the point of service selected refers to the service point displayed in the drop-down menu at the top left of the screen. By giving access to a user, he will have these accesses for all the service points to which he is registered.


  • Employee schedules: Schedules of all employees of the selected point of service
  • Room schedules: Schedules of the rooms of the selected point of service
  • Online requests: Appointment requests booked online awaiting confirmation for the selected point of service. This section is only useful if the clinic does not accept requests automatically. For more details, see the following article: Online booking configuration.
  • Waiting list: Waiting list of the selected point service.
  • Appointments to confirm: List of appointments to be confirmed by phone for the selected point service.
  • Cancellations/Absences: Access to the list of appointments marked as canceled or absent for patients who have not booked another appointment.
  • Access to the schedules of all employees from all points of service: Access to the schedules of all employees in the database (all  points of service combined). If activated, for an employee to benefit from this access right, he must also have the Employee schedules access right checked.
  • Open/close time slots: Allows you to manage the time slots of the calendar in order to open or close some of them, either completely or specifically for making appointments online. It is also possible to color time slots to have visual markers.
  • Hourly availabilities of the account: Access to the sections to customize the hourly availabilities and the online appointment booking of an employee. These two sections are accessible in My account (top right of the menu), then in the sections of the list on the left of the screen.


  • Invoices: Access to the list of invoices of all patients during a certain period and possibility to create an invoice.
  • Combined invoices: List of combined invoices to apply batch payments to.
  • Pending Online Payments: Lists pending online payments related to payment terminal integration with PandaPay
  • Action delete an invoice: Allows you to restrict the action of deleting an invoice


  • Evolution graph: Check to give access to the graph showing the revenues of all service points combined for the current month and the last two months (3 periods (3 months, 6 months and 12 months) are available in the Period drop-down menu to modify the period of the graph).
  • All reports: Check to give access to all management reports.
  • Finance: Check to enable access rights for all reports in this category
    • Revenue and disbursement report: Right to view and export income data from all points of service accessible to the user.
    • Report of revenue by employees: Right to view and export data relating to the receipts of each employee from all points of service accessible to the user.
    • Accounts receivable report: Right to view and export data relating to accounts receivable from all points of service accessible to the user.
    • Invoices report: Right to view and export data relating to invoices from all points of service accessible to the user.
    • Taxes report: Right to view and export data relating to taxes from all points of service accessible to the user.
    • Reported Revenue report: Right to view and export data relating to deferred revenue from all points of service accessible to the user.
    • Financial Statements report: Right to view and export data relating to the financial statements of all points of service accessible to the user. Note: Deferred revenue is generated by posting payments in advance in patient records.
    • Monthly report: Right to view and export data relating to sales, revenues, accounts receivable and payments in advance.
  • KPI (Key Performance Indicator): Check to enable rights for all reports in this category
    • Appointments report by employee: Right to view and export data relating to employee appointments from all points of service accessible to the user. Note: this report also gives access to the list of tags assigned to the patient file.
    • Sellable items report by employee: Right to view and export data relating to items sold by employees of all points of service accessible to the user.
    • Business analysis report: Right to view and export data relating to business statistics related to appointments for all points of service accessible to the user.
    • Patients report: Right to view and export patient data and tags from all points of service accessible to the user. Note: this report also gives access to the generation of lists of new patients and those who have not returned to the clinic since a given date.
    • Discharge report by employee: Right to view and export data relating to leave given by employees from all points of service accessible to the user.
    • Requested therapist report: Right to view and export data relating to therapists requested by patients from all points of service accessible to the user.
  • Management: Check to enable rights for all reports in this category
    • Services report: Right to view and export data relating to the services of all points of service accessible to the user
    • Sellable items report: Right to view and export data relating to items sold from all points of service accessible to the user
    • Discount report: Right to view and export data relating to discounts applied to invoices from all points of service accessible to the user
    • Tips report: Right to view data relating to tips applied to invoices from all service points accessible to the user (Prerequisite: have activated tips in the My Clinic section > Billing > Settings > Enable tip usage)
    • Gifts cards report: Right to view data relating to gifts cards applied to invoices from all service points accessible to the user
    • Self employed employees report: Right to view and export data relating to appointments, invoices and payments of all self-employed workers for points of service accessible to the user
  • Accounting: Check to give access to batch closing.
  • Activities: Check to give access to the monitoring of activities carried out in the database.
  • Terminal transactions history: Check to give access to transaction history related to PandaPay integration.


  • Dashboard: Right to statistics relating to the CNESST and automated actions of all points of service accessible to the user
  • Care accounts: Right to view the Attendance board and Submission history sections of all points of service accessible to the user
  • Reports: Right to consult the requests for reports received and submitted in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy from all points of service accessible to the user
  • Reportings: Right to consult coverage stops, report requests and payment notices received for all points of service accessible to the user
  • Patients: Right to consult the list of active and inactive patients in CNESST for all points of service accessible to the user
  • CSSTV1: Right to consult the reports and data generated in the old version of the CNESST module (available, if you used our CNESST module before March 2020)
  • Management information: Right to consult the management information provided by the CNESST
  • Action - apply attendances: Right to apply attendance codes for CNESST patients from all points of service accessible to the user
  • Action - submit attendances: Right to submit attendance for CNESST patients from all points of service accessible to the user
  • Action - submit reports: Right to submit reports in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy for CNESST patients from all service points accessible to the user

Patient Record

  • Information: Patient Record Information TabThis tab includes: contact details, appointment history, specific settings of the patient file and others.
  • Health summary: Patient Health Summary TabThis tab includes: the ability to view and submit health summary and other forms
  • Charting: Patient Charting TabThis tab includes: all ongoing episodes of care and memos
  • Billing episodes: Patient Billing Episodes TabThis tab includes: all the patient's due, paid, canceled invoices, combined invoices, payments in advance and other. 
  • CNESST: CNESST tab of patient recordsThis tab includes: information relating to the current and archived CNESST file(s) of the patient
  • Action - create a CNESST folder: Allow the creation of new CNESST files in the CNESST tab of a patient file
  • Action - merge two patient records: Allow to merge duplicate patient records.
  • Activities: Access to user activity history
  • Archives: Patient Records Archives TabThis tab includes: archived episodes of care, billing episodes and CNESST.

My clinic

  • User management: User management tab
    • Users: Access to user registration, license settings, assignment of access rights and more
    • Groups: Access to the creation of user groups
    • Professions: Access to registration and management of professions present in the database
    • Access rights: Access to give or withdraw access rights for one or more users
    • Global configuration: Access to the clinic's global parameters
  • Subscription: This tab allows you to manage your subscription, add licenses and modules directly by yourself. And see your transaction history.
  • Points of service: Points of service tab and the list of all points of service registered in the database
    • Contact information: Right to modify the contact details of all points of service.
    • Logo: Right to modify the logo of all points of service.
    • Taxes: Right to change the tax numbers of all points of service
    • Employees: Right to modify the list of employees and the availabilities of each employee for all points of service.
    • Rooms: Right to modify rooms and their configurations for all points of service.
    • Custom messages: Right to modify messages sent by email and SMS for all points of service.
    • Management: Right to configure a unique master code for your point of service.
  • Services: Services tab
    • Services list: Right to register and modify the list of services and their settings for the database.
    • Assign services to points of service: Right to assign services by point of service.
    • Assign services to employees: Right to modify services associated to employees of points of service. 
    • Service Categories: Access to the creation and modification of service categories for online booking.
    • Pricing: Access to the creation and modification of prices of several services at the same time.
    • Appointment Colors: Right to register and change colors to associate with appointments for the database.
    • Treatment plans: Access to creation and modification of treatment plan

      Items: Items tab

      This tab includes:

    • Right to register and modify items and their settings for all points of service.
    • Right to register and modify discounts and their settings for all service points.
  • Billing: Billing tab
    • Payment methods: Right for applying and modifying payment methods for the database.
    • Taxes: Right to register or modify taxes percentage for the Database.
    • Third Party Payers: Right of registration and modification of third-party payers for the database.
    • Customization: Right to invoice/receipt color settings for the entire database.
    • Accounting: Right to the creation of charters of accounts for the report of the financial statements.
  • Reminders: Reminders tab
  • Online booking: Online booking tab
    • Global configuration: Right to modify online booking configurations for the database
    • Individual configuration: Right to configuration relating to online appointment booking per point of service and employee
  • Tags: Tags tab
    • Patient tags: Right to register tags for the database. For more information about this feature and its usefulness, see this article: Patient tags.
    • Referral tags: Right to registration of reference tags for the database.
    • Unsuccessful discharge reasons: Right to registration of uncompleted treatment plan tags for the database.
    • Physicians: Right to the registration of a doctor's list for the entire database.
    • Billing episodes types: Right to billing episode listings for the entire database.
    • Appointment request types: Right to register appointment requests for the waiting list.
  • Document center: Documentation Center tabFor more information about this feature and its usefulness, see this article: Documentation Center.
  • Integrations: Integrations tab
    • CNESST: Right to set up the CNESST module for all points of service.
    • Physiotec: Right to set up Physiotec integration per point of service and employee
    • Payment terminals: Right to set up PandaPay integration for all points of service.
    • Telus: Right to set up Telus Health module for all points of service.
    • InputKit: Right to set up InputKit for all service points and employees.
    • External calendars: Right to configuration to synchronize an external Google calendar with the Medexa calendar
  • Export: Export tab
    • Export: Right to export a patient list with filter you want.


  • Access to all clients records: This configuration is used to override the Worker on file parameter located in the Information tab of the patient file.
    • If this box is checked, even if the employee is not assigned to certain patient files, this professional will still have access to all patient files.
    • If this box is not checked, once the professional is removed from the patient's file, he will no longer be able to see the patient in the clinic's patient list. Access to the patient's file will therefore be lost.

Please note: This setting was designed to give clinic administrators and owners full access. When a new user registers on the platform, he has restricted access. Clinic administrators are responsible for granting or removing the necessary access depending on their role.

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