Invoice Summary

This window allows you to generate a document with the same name in the form of an invoice listing all selected appointments.

Note: the overall receipt includes the complete invoices, if you want to include a specific portion of the invoices or specific sub-invoices (in the case of shared invoices), please use combined invoices.

To open this window, follow these steps:

  • Click on Clients
  • Search for the patient
  • Click on the patient's name and open the folder
  • Navigate to the Information tab
  • Click on See appointment history in the list displaying the patient's information to display the following window (image 2)

  • In the bottom left of the window appointments history, click on the Invoice Summary button.

Before generating the receipt, various filters and settings are available:

  • Invoice date: allows you to set the invoice date
  • Due date: allows you to set the due date
  • Language: allows you to change the language used to generate the receipt
  • Service point: allows you to change the service point
  • Change the invoice signer: if empty, it displays the default signers for the different appointments. If you select a signer from this dropdown menu, it will change the signer for the invoice and all appointments.
  • Practice profile: only enabled if you select a global signer with the previous option, this dropdown menu allows you to choose the desired practice profile.
  • Billing to: this dropdown menu allows you to choose who the receipt will be billed to (patient, resources, third-party payers)
  • Service rendered to: this dropdown menu allows you to choose who the various services will be rendered to.
  • Reimbursable: if checked, this parameter displays the Refundable note on the receipt. By default, the Not-Refundable note is displayed.
  • Description: allows you to enter a description that will be displayed on the overall receipt.
  • Items: this list displays the selected appointments from appointment history and allows you to generate the display of appointments in the receipt.

At the top and bottom of the window, the Actions dropdown menu allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Send: allows you to send the document as a PDF by email
  • View: allows you to view the receipt
  • Print: allows you to print the receipt
  • Download: allows you to download the receipt as a PDF

An export of appointments in CSV format is also possible.

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