Sending for form creation

The form editing module is available, to learn more: consult this page

Are you ready to import your forms ?

The creation of forms in our team is done manually and can take time depending on the complexity of these.

Please take note of the following elements before sending them to us, in order to facilitate form creation operations:

  • Forms must be sent in one batch (a single shipment containing all your forms).
  • The package included in your service agreement consists of up to 5 forms, up to a maximum of 10 pages in total. (Charges may apply if you exceed this limit).
  • Forms must be sent to the following email address:
  • To avoid additional charges, forms should be sent in Word or PDF format to allow us to copy/paste the text.
  • Forms should include all the tables and images you need in the right places. A written description of what you wish to include in your forms will not be accepted. Take into consideration that the final result may be changed because the software used to import your forms is not Microsoft Word.


We would like to remind you that the people responsible for creating the forms are not therapists. If you notice ambiguities in your forms, we recommend that you clarify them with precise indications to reduce the number of modifications to be made to your forms to follow up on their creation. We therefore invite clinics to provide clear notes or indications related to their needs.

These indications should be added ++in comments++ (outside the text of the document). These options are preferred to ensure that the distinction is clear between the text of the file and the specifications of the therapist.

These indications can, for example, indicate if you prefer to have a certain number of lines in a text field or that you prefer to have a drop-down menu rather than buttons for detailing answer options.


The options available in the forms are as follows:

  • Text fields (number of lines to be specified, if more than 2 lines)
  • Tables (for organizing information)
  • Checkboxes (multiple choices can be selected in response)
  • Drop-down menu (only one choice can be selected in response)
  • Buttons (only one choice can be selected in response)
  • Images (the therapist can write on the image afterwards)
  • Signature module (allowing patients to sign and date health and other reports)
  • Uploading module (allowing to add an image or file in the form when the therapist fills it out)

If you have any questions related to the production of your forms or would like to obtain an estimate of the cost associated with the creation of additional forms, please contact us at:

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