Assign services to points of service

This functionality aims to easily configure a specific price or duration for a particular service. 

The advantage of this feature is to be able to modify the price and duration in the Assign services to points of service section, by clicking on the service, which will automatically generate price and service modifications in the Assign services to points of service section employees.

For example, if a user modifies the price of a service in his point of service, this will automatically modify the price of the service assigned to employees.

Via this new configuration, you also have the possibility of modifying the price of all appointments having this service from a selected date.

This will allow you to effectively modify your price list in the event, for example, of a price increase for your clinic.

How to assign services to points of service

Here are the steps to assign services to point of service:

  1. Go to My clinic
  2. Click on Services
  3. Go to Assign services to points of service
  4. Click on the desired point of service
  5. Click on Assign/Unassign 
  6. Check all services you want to associate with your service point
  7. Click on Save changes

Note: It is important to give yourself access rights to see the new section in the Services tab.

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