How to use the Telehealth module ?

The telehealth module allows an online consultation between the patient and the therapist.

The beginning

To be able to allow an online consultation with your patient, several things will have to be done beforehand:

  1. Connect to the Medexa platform
  2. Go to Schedule > Employees

  1. Click on the appointment of the patient in question
  2. A new window will open offering several options

  1. To send the consultation link to the patient, click on Send telehealth link to the patient
    1. This will send an email to the patient (here John DOE) with a link in the text content that will allow access to the consultation. Warning, there is a time limit to access this link.

  1. Once the email has been sent, you will see a confirmation message


Now that the email is sent, we will see the use of the telehealth module, seen from the patient John DOE

The patient

  1. The patient will receive a new email in his mailbox, once the therapist clicks on Send telehealth link to the patient.


  • The text of the email may change depending on the clinic. This is customizable in Point of Service > "Name of point of service" > Personalized message.
  • If the patient does not receive the email, he must be asked to look in spam.
  • An email may take more or less time to arrive, this does not depend on the Medexa application.

Example of the received mail with link in the body message

  1. He will have to click on the link which will take him to a new page
    1. Here we will have an indication to wait for the therapist to start the conversation

  1. It is important that the patient authorizes browser access to his microphone and camera, otherwise you will not be able to hear or see him (you will have to do the same on your side)
Example on Firefox

  1. Once the therapist starts a call, the patient will be able to Join the meeting

  1. Once they have clicked on the Join the meeting button, the patient will have several options available:
    1. Disable your microphone
    2. Stop video
    3. Swap therapist and patient video screens (display on main screen or not)
    4. Stop the call
    5. To send a file
    6. Send a message

The therapist

We will now see the therapist's view.

  1. To go to the telehealth link as a therapist, click on Link to the telehealth consultation.

  1. This will open a new window showing whether our patient has arrived or not
  2. If this one arrived, you can Start the meeting

  1. It is important that you allow browser access to microphone sound and camera, otherwise the patient will not be able to hear or see you
Example on Firefox
  1. Once the Start the Meeting button is clicked, the therapist will have several options available:
    1. Disable your microphone
    2. Stop video
    3. Share your screen
    4. Take measurements on the screen
    5. Stop the call
    6. To send a file
    7. Send a message

  1. If we share the therapist shares his screen, it will be necessary to authorize the browser to have access to it
Authorization on Firefox
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