Online Booking - Point of Service Configuration

Setting your clinic's Point of Service Configuration

This is the last step to setup the clinic's configuration. 

Here are the following steps for the point of service configuration:

  1. Go to My Clinic
  2. Click on Online Booking tab
  3. Click on Point of Service Configuration
  4. Select the service point of your choice to start the configuration
  5. Click on Save to apply the configuration

Available for online booking :

This section will allow the POS selected to be available online. If the checkbox is not selected, you will not see the POS online.

Alert/Information :

This section will allow you to add an important message in your online booking module. Clinic can add a title and a description.

NOTE: The title and the message entered in this section will be displayed in priority to the message defined in the global configuration of the module. In case you select this service point. This allows you to add a personalized message different from the global message if the service point has a specificity, for example.

Credit card required to book (This option is hidden by default)

NOTE: This section only appears if you have the PandaPay module activated and the option "Request a credit card to book specific services" checked in "My clinic > Online appointment booking > Global Setup.

This section allows you to select an online payment terminal defined in "My clinic > Integrations > Payment terminals" as well as to enter (if necessary) a message concerning cancellation fees in case of no-show at an appointment.


This section is for marketing purposes for your clinic. It allows you to add a script generated by an external tool (e.g. Google Ads) to link the online appointment booking with your chosen external tool.

To do this, copy the code generated by your tool, which may look like this (as an example), into the dedicated field:

 <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
  <script async src=""></script>

    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag('js', new Date());

    gtag('config', 'TAG_ID');

For more information on how to use Google Ads, please refer to this page:

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