Online Booking - Global Configuration

Setting your clinic's global configuration

This is the first step to setup the clinic's global configuration. 

Here are the following steps for the global configuration:

  1. Go to My Clinic
  2. Click on Online Booking tab
  3. Click on Global Configuration

Use online availability :

This checkbox is used if your online availability differs from your schedule availability. By checking this option, it will allow the module to use the online availability instead of your schedule availability.

Consultation purpose is required :

Checking this box will ask client/patient to put their reason of consultation while booking an online appointment.

Display price for offered services :

Checking this box will show the prices of all the clinic's services available online.

Auto accept online appointment request :

Checking this box will automatically accept all online appointment request by a client/patient.

Note : If you don't check this box, the online request coming from the clinic website or the facebook page will directed in the « Online Requests » tab in the « Schedule » section. These requests will be waiting a confirmation from the clinic before putting them in the physician's schedule. Clinic will be able to refuse or accept these requests.

Accept requests from the waiting list :

Checking this box will accept requests from client/patient waiting list. These request will appear in your Waiting List module below the clinic schedule.

Request a credit card to book specific services

This setting allows you to request (with additional configuration) a patient's credit card to book certain services that you have previously configured and allows you to specify cancellation fees in the event of no-show at an appointment. YOU.

(The PandaPay module is required to use this feature)

Minimum delays before taking an appointment :

This setting allows the clinic to have a minimum delay before a customer books another appointment.

Maximum number of months that a reservation can be made in advance :

This setting allows you to limit patients who book their appointments in advance. You can assign a limit in months for which a patient can schedule their appointments online. This prevents patients from booking appointments for periods in which schedules are still likely to change.

Alert / Information :

This section allows you to add important information about the online appointment scheduling module. You can add a title and a message to it. This information will appear at all times on your site.

Website colors

    1. Labels color : This setting allows you to configure a color for the labels of the online booking module. Clinic can select a desired color shade or enter a color code.
    2. Background color : This settings allows you to configure a color for the background of the online booking module.

Integration and preview

  1. Link at the bottom of the page: The link at the bottom of the page is used to set up the module on your website or on your Facebook page. You can quickly copy the link using the button to the right of the box displaying the text. Or copy/paste manually all the link necessary to set up the module.
  2. Facebook page: The part of the link between quotes starting from "https:// to your background color code backgroundColor=******"

    Note: Make sure to include the text inside the quotes and not outside the quotes when selecting the text to copy. Important: Make sure to Save the settings section when you are done updating items.

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