Send a Doctor's Letter
Generate a Doctor’s Letter
- Click on Clients
- Click on the patient’s name
- Click on "Charting" tab
- Click on the activity you wish to generate the letter from
- Click on "Actions" dropdown
- Click on the option “Generate a Doctor’s letter”
- Unselect the fields you won’t include in the letter
- Fill in the necessary fields
- Select the note’s sections you would like to include in the doctor’s letter
- Click on "Preview Letter"
- Check the information in the letter
- Click on "Modify" to edit the letter if needed
- Click on "Print" to display the printer’s options
- Click on "Save and Close" to create a new activity named “Doctor’s letter – (Date)” that is going to be accessible from the Charting section in the patient’s file.
See the Doctor’s Letter generated
- Click on the doctor’s letter from the Charting section
- Click on Download to have a PDF format on your computer
- Attach the Doctor’s letter in PDF to the email
- The note must be completed to be able to send it as a doctor’s letter.
- Only the author of the note can generate a Doctor’s letter.
- Once the Doctor’s letter is created, all the available options such as privacy, print, download, dismiss document, title’s edition, etc, will be displayed from the note.