Sellable items report
The sellable items report displays many information related to the items sold.
- The sellable items report is based on the number of invoiced items.
- The invoices are selected according to the invoicing date.
- This report includes the invoices paid and not paid.
- The taxes are not included on the total displayed.
- The void invoices are not included on the total displayed.
Here you will find the information displayed on this report :
- Number of sold items
- Statistics related to the cost and the selling price
- Statistics related to the earnings
Click on :
- Download as CSV : to export the data in an excel file
- Printer icon : to print the data from the current page
- Today : to generate data from the current day
- Execute : to refresh the search when the period of time has been changed
Click on the name of an article or on Articles : to obtain the date related to an item specifically