Payments in advance

To add a payment in advance

The payments in advance are added to the patient’s file as follows:

  1. Access to the patient’s file
  2. Click on the “Billing” tab
  3. In the “Payments in advance” section, click on the +
  4. Type in the payment in advance’s information
  5. Add informations
  6. Click on “Save Changes”

To use the payment in advance

To use this amount on a payment, you just need to:

  1. Access to the invoice where you would like to add the payment in advance
  2. Click on Add payment on the “Payments” section in your invoice
  3. Select the payment in advance located at the bottom of the window
  4. Indicate the amount you wish to be applied to the invoice
  5. Click on “Save Changes”

* The payment will be displayed on the invoice indicating the date and the payment method used initially.


The payment will appear on the invoice indicating the date and the initial method of payment of the advance payment.

The amount of an advance payment will remain in the patient's file and can be used on the invoices that will be issued to the patient.

Warning: The payment in advance will be displayed in the "Reported Revenues " report as long as you do not apply it to an invoice.

It is therefore important to combine the report of "Revenue" and the "Reported Revenue" report to perform the end-of-day balance if you accept prepayments at the clinic.

The prepayment will jump to the report of "Revenue" when it has been used on an invoice.

The prepayment will remain associated with the date on which you received the payment, even once it has been applied to an invoice.

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