
You can’t log into Medexa? 

Did you forget your password?  You would like to change your password?

You are at the right place!

Reset your password

Go to the login page:

  1. Click on Forgot your password?
  2. Type in the email address you use to log in to Medexa
    1. If the email address is right, jump to the 3rd step
    2. If you receive the following error message “WARNING! It seems there is no existing account associated with that email.” Please contact your clinic’s admin user
  3. Open the email sent by Medexa; if you didn’t receive the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.
  4. Follow the instructions in the email to be able to access the reset password’s page
  • If you have connection problems and would like to remain with the same old password, you just have to retype in the password on both text fields destined for this purpose.
  • Note if your old password doesn’t meet the new security requirement, you are forced to change your password.

To change your password

If you would like to change your password from Medexa, go to your account.

  1. Click on your name located at the screen’s top right corner
  2. Click on My Account
  3. Go to the Password section
  4. Type in your current password
  5. Type in your new password, following the requirements displayed under the text field
  6. Re-type the new password in the text field Confirmation
  7. Click on Save Changes at the bottom of the section
  • Note that you can click on the eye’s icon at any moment to display the password typed.

Note: the password is confidential. Each user is responsible for keeping their password safe, not to share it with anyone and in case of doubt, the user is responsible for change his password to ensure the security of the data stored in Medexa and to avoid any information leakage.

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