Patient Tags

What is a patient tag and what is it used for?

The tag can be used for many different things depending on the clinic’s needs.  

You can use them to indicate relevant information on your patient’s file, record data from your patients to generate statistics, or simply to identify your patient’s files. 

Here are some inspiration ideas:

  • Health conditions 
  • Profession 
  • Private patient / CNESST /SAAQ / Third Party Payer 
  • Refers to a radio ad, word of mouth, Facebook Ad, congress presence, etc.

Therefore, it is possible to add any relevant information to the patient’s file by using the tags.

How to create tags?

  1. Go to My Clinic
  2. Click on the Tags tab
  3. Click on the (+) button
  4. Type in the name of the tag you wish to create (for example: Referred by Dr. X, Referred by a patient ASP, Facebook Ad, etc)
  5. Click on Save Changes

Adding a patient tag to a new patient record

  1. In the form to register a new patient the tag’s list, previously created, will be displayed at the end.
  2. Check the boxes for those tags that are appropriate to the patient’s file
  3. Click on Save Changes

Adding a patient tag to an existing patient record

  1. Open the patient’s file
  2. Go to the Information tab
  3. At the end of the page, click on the line where a tag’s logo is located
  4. Check the boxes for those tags that are appropriate to the patient’s file
  5. Click on Save Changes

To get statistics based on folder labels:

  1. Go to Management on the left menu
  2. Click on the Reports tab
  3. Run the Patient Report
  4. Select the start and end dates for the period to be viewed and click on Execute
  5. Click on Patients to get more details about the patients of a specific record label

Note: This report is based on cases opened during the selected time period.

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